
Built Using:

PowerlandATV is a website for Electric ATVs that showcases a range of products and provides relevant information to potential customers. The website was developed using WordPress as the content management system, along with several other technologies, SCSS, Bootstrap 5 and JQuery.

Key Features and Functionality:

The website incorporates multilingual functionality. The Polylang translation plugin was employed, allowing visitors to switch between different languages. This feature helps to display content specific to the selected language this also helps in SEO.

The contact form is handled by Contact Form 7, and the Inbound messages received through these forms are stored using the Flamingo plugin, which provides a centralized location to access and manage contact submissions and also save a large number of contacts. Additionally, the messages are forwarded to a Gmail inbox, ensuring efficient communication and follow-up.
Loco Translate is used for translating of the website’s content into different languages. It can be used to generate the .po and .mo files. This tool simplifies the process of translating strings and ensures consistency across the localized versions of the website.

Cost-Effective Approach:
An emphasis was placed on cost-saving measures throughout the development process. By utilizing WordPress and leveraging existing plugins like Contact Form 7, Flamingo, Polylang, and Loco Translate, it was possible to achieve desired functionality without the need for custom development. This approach helped reduce development costs while maintaining the quality and performance of the website.